The report below is from ReSET's Harold Sharlin; it describes his science program for 3 year olds. ReSET is interested in recruiting volunteers to reach more pre-Kindergarten students. Unlike ReSET's elementary school program, volunteers need not have an education or background as professional scientists, engineers or technicians - just a commitment to helping young children gain an early foothold on science learning. Please let us know if you know of anyone in the DC area who may be interested in volunteering.
"I finished my training program at Sunshine Early Learning Center in southeast Washington. I taught 12 teachers (6 in a group) who teach 120 three year olds. Each group met with me for one hour over a four week period. The course was an introduction to electricity.
I gave each teacher a kit consisting of a 6-volt battery, a wall switch, bell wire, a bulb, an electric bell, a screwdriver and a wire stripper. I demonstrated how to make a series circuit. Then each of them created their own series circuit. The most fun is using the wire stripper. They put together and dismantle the circuit several times as I watch so that they are confident enough to create a circuit in their class.
The circuit is fundamental to the use of electric power from the cell phone to refrigerators. Each teacher received a four page handbook that I made with instructions on how to make the circuit and suggestions for simple experiments.