Preparing for Robotics

Preparing for Robotics
Students at DC's Whittier Educational Campus with ReSET Volunteer Peter Mehrevari

Monday, January 31, 2011

Volunteer Bob Blumberg's Field Trip

Bob works with third and fourth graders at Orr Elementary in Anacostia. His report on his recent field trip to the Navy Yard in Southeast DC: 

The field trip to the Navy Museum was wonderful. The program was  called 
the Straw Rocket Program. There was a young woman who took charge of the 
class lecturing, demonstrating and even demanding good behavior. We had 
21 students. There were all kinds of prepared parts and materials so the 
students could put a rocket together with a straw, paper fins, clay nose 
cone, and clear tape to hold it all together. And then she had them do a 
test firing in the main Hall of the Museum, go back to the work shop, 
change the rocket. and go bock to a final firing of each rocket. A boy 
and a girl were given a prize for the longest flight of their rockets. 
Both Ms Trowell and I were really impressed and pleased that it came out 
so well. I am sure that the students had a good time and probably will 
remember it for a long while . They might even have gotten a life lesson 
out of it. 

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great field trip, Bob. For anyone who might be interested, check out this link to a cool do-it-yourself classroom version of the soda-straw rocket project:
