Preparing for Robotics

Preparing for Robotics
Students at DC's Whittier Educational Campus with ReSET Volunteer Peter Mehrevari

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

 Excerpt from the 624/14 STEMCONNECTOR, below.  I found the drop in computer science degrees for women both notable and disappointing. I wonder if it is connected to the growth of computer gaming and the large gender disparities associated with that.  I read recently that game developers are trying to attract a more diverse user base.  John

Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Diversity in STEM
Chelsea Clinton: Schools Need to Support Girls in STEM (TIME) 
“In my math and science classes, the teachers usually always picked boys to answer questions, which really bugged me because I knew the answers,” a Colorado student told Chelsea Clinton and an all-female panel during a discussion about getting girls interested in STEM on Monday. In 1984, 37% of computer-science degrees went to women. Now only 12% of computer science graduates are women. This divide explains why the Clinton Foundation’s No Ceilings initiative wants to find a solution to one of the largest remaining gender gaps in America. “We’re looking from 1995 until 2015 as to where women and girls have gained in terms of rights and opportunities around the world and in the United States and where gaps still persist. And STEM around the world but acutely here in the U.S. is an area where not only the gap remains but the gap has widened in the last 20 years,” Clinton told TIME.


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